Ensuring the Safety of Your Children in Your New Home
You have purchased your new home and now it is time to move in. Moving into your new home and having a new living space can be such an exciting moment, and therefore it is important to ensure that you…
New Home Owner? Here are some Essential Tips
You have finally concluded your search for a new home, whether by building or buying, and you are now in the exciting part of moving in, congratulations! In this new phase of your life, you might be wondering what is…
Importance of Next of Kin Information in Property Investments
Most people disregard the necessity of providing next of kin information. This often results in in a huge number of unclaimed property in Kenya. A number of these are mostly due to the unfortunate demise of the buyer without disclosing…
Building or buying a home? This is what you should consider
As you embark on your journey to home ownership, you may encounter the dilemma of choosing to either build or buy a house. Before making your final decision, it is important to understand both options and to settle for one…
Buying your first home? Here is what you need to know
A home is more than just a structure. It is a source of financial and emotional stability and an investment in one’s future that needs careful consideration. Before purchasing a home, it is important to ask yourself the right questions…
Factors to Consider when Buying Off-plan Property.
Are you looking to invest in real estate or even find a suitable affordable home for your family but don’t have all the money upfront? Well, off-plan purchasing is an option that has worked for many people and can work…
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