Pepea Fixed Deposit Account

This is an exclusive product for all SIC bonafide members/shareholders only with lucrative and competitive rates in the market second to none.


  • This is a product for SIC Investment Cooperative members only.
  • Minimum amount is KES 50,000.
  • Mode of payment is one-off lump sum payment.
  • If you withdraw before maturity, you will lose all interest accrued. No fee will be charged for withdrawing before maturity.
  • Forms to be submitted with a copy of your Passport photo, PIN and ID.
  • Upon Maturity, refund to be effected within 10 days of notice issue.
  • Interest is payable subject to 15% withholding tax.
Pepea Packages
Sample Table
Amount in Kes. Returns in 6 Months Returns in 7 - 12 Months
50,000 - 500,000 10% p.a 10.5% p.a
500,000 - 1,000,000 10.5% p.a 11% p.a
1,000,000 - 3,000,000 11% p.a 11.5% p.a
Over 3,000,000 11.50%p.a 12% p.a