New Home Owner? Here are some Essential Tips

You have finally concluded your search for a new home, whether by building or buying, and you are now in the exciting part of moving in, congratulations!

In this new phase of your life, you might be wondering what is needed of you and how you can ensure that your new home maintains good standards while ensuring that you are pleased with your investment decision.

Below are some tips that can help you as a new homeowner enjoy your investment. 

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Set Up a Home Upgrade Budget

As you start your home ownership journey, it is wise to set aside a fraction of your money for unexpected upgrades, changes or sometimes repairs. Setting up a home upgrade fund helps you avoid making a big dent in your budget if a huge upgrade needs crop up. For quality investments in homes like The Miran Residence, this stash of cash may be redirected to things like service charges or even decorating and furnishing your new home.

Personalize Your Home One Step at a Time

Getting a new home is a huge investment that takes a lot of effort especially financially. It is okay to take personalization of your living space with, for example, lighting and décor needs,  one step at a time. This helps you have time to recover both financially and mentally which will help you choose the best items for your new home without having to consider a tight budget. Give yourself time to adjust to homeownership’s expenses and rebuild your savings; the cabinets and furniture will still be waiting for you when you can comfortably afford them.

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Get to Know Your Neighbourhood

Moving to a new neighbourhood can be intimidating, however, you ought not to worry. Take it one step at a time and explore your surroundings. Get to know where you can get your essentials nearby and understand the environment you have moved into, which will improve your chances of fitting in and enjoying your new phase of life. Get to know the people who live around you. No man is an island, and your neighbour might be just what you need to start enjoying the neighbourhood. They will be one of the first people to come in and aid in case of trouble. Knowing your neighbours also provides you with a sense of community and helps you develop meaningful connections. It is also important to get contacts of key suppliers such as electricians and plumbers.

Never Ignore Crucial Maintenance

Home ownership requires you to carry out maintenance of your home yourself since you are your own landlord therefore you should not neglect any problem that puts you in danger or could worsen over time. Delayed action can turn a relatively small problem into a much larger and costlier one. Safaricom Investment Cooperative sees to it that your home is fully inspected before you move in and is as per world-class standards. For instance, The Miran Residence in Ruaka, is a modern world class residence being built using quality materials that will protect you against potential maintenance issues.

If you are looking to purchase a house, Safaricom Investment Cooperative provides you with quality homes that you can be proud of. To see some of their housing projects, visit the SIC website:

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